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[Translate to English:] Corpus der barocken Deckenmalerei
in Deutschland (CbDD)


Conference Hannover 2018

We hosted an exciting international conference organized by the Corpus of Baroque Ceiling Painting in Germany (CbDD) project. The event was held in collaboration with the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities, the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich (LMU), the German Documentation Center for Art History - Bildarchiv Foto Marburg (DDK), the state capital Hannover, Herrenhäuser Gärten, the Institute for Art and Music History Research (IKM), the Department of Art History at LMU Munich, the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW), and the Research Group for Baroque Ceiling Painting in Central Europe (BCPCE). It delved into the fascinating world of ceiling painting and spatial arts during the 1700s.

The conference took place from September 13 to September 15, 2018, at the Gallery Building, Herrenhäuser Str. 3a, 30419 Hannover-Herrenhausen.

Under the scientific direction of Stephan Hoppe (LMU Munich), Heiko Laß (LMU Munich), and Herbert Karner (ÖAW Vienna), the conference aimed to shed light on the rich heritage of baroque ceiling painting. We fostered a deeper understanding of this art form by bringing together experts and enthusiasts.

Throughout the event, attendees had the opportunity to explore the conference program, which provided a comprehensive schedule of discussions and presentations. We also issued a call for papers, encouraging researchers to contribute to the discourse on baroque ceiling painting.

For further details about the conference program and the call for papers, refer to the following links:

Conference-ProgramCall for Paper and Conference-Report by Ulrike Seeger

We were thrilled to welcome an exceptional gathering of scholars who shared a passion for the history and significance of baroque ceiling painting in Europe.