3D Workshop in Marburg
Digital Representations of Space. Baroque Art in the Context of Current Approaches of the "Spatial Humanities"

A Workshop to Conclude the Pilot Project "Ceiling Painting and 3D," organized by the Corpus of Baroque Ceiling Painting in Germany (CbDD) and the German Documentation Center for Art History - Bildarchiv Foto Marburg
- Location: Marburg, Forschungszentrum Deutscher Sprachatlas
- Date: April 3 and April 4, 2017
- Organizers: Stephan Hoppe, Hubert Locher, and Ute Engel (CbDD)
Ceiling painting is an art that unfolds in space. Thanks to current digital techniques, comprehensive media-supported representation and analysis of its spatial aspect are now possible. This marks new territory in many respects, even within the long-term research project Corpus of Baroque Ceiling Painting in Germany in the Academy Program. Initial results were achieved in 2015/16 with the digital, high-resolution spatial recording of key interior spaces in the baroque Neue Residenz in Bamberg. The Corpus of Ceiling Painting (CbDD) is funded by the Union of German Academies of Sciences and Humanities and supervised by the Bavarian Academy of Sciences. This workshop aims to present and contextualize the project's previous considerations and experiences within the current scientific discourse. The program's goal is to facilitate discussions on various aspects of 3D applications by CbDD staff, collaborators, and invited experts. Additionally, technically and methodologically related projects will be discussed to establish an international context.
We would like to present our previous considerations and experiences to a group of experts and place them within the context of current scientific discourse. Therefore, we would like to invite you to a two-day workshop on April 3 and 4, 2017, in Marburg.
Below you will find the preliminary program, which aims to enable discussions on specific aspects of our previous 3D applications among CbDD staff, our collaborators, and invited experts. Additionally, technically and methodologically related projects will be discussed to establish an international context.
We are happy to assist you in finding accommodation, although we regret that we are unable to cover any expenses.
We would be delighted to welcome you as a discussant to this workshop in Marburg!
Stephan Hoppe, Hubert Locher, and Ute Engel
Program: Monday, April 3, 2017
14:00-14:30: Introduction
- Digital Representations of Space: Techniques and Current Projects
14:30-15:30: Margriet van Eikema Hommes (Delft)
- The virtual reconstruction of the "Golden Room" (1718) in the Mauritshuis The Hague
15:00-15:15: Discussion
15:15-15:45: Julian Hanschke (Karlsruhe)
- Architectural visualization and digital reconstruction of the Heidelberg Castle
15:45-16:00: Discussion
16:00-16:30: Tea/Coffee Break
16:30-17:00: Joerg Maxzin (Deggendorf)
- Beyond digitization: Working with virtualized cultural heritage
17:00-17:15: Discussion
17:15-17:45: Bernd Fröhlich (Weimar)
- Tools and systems for collaborative exploration of extensive 3D recordings in virtual reality
17:45-18:00: Discussion
18:00-18:30: Andrea Schilz (Passau)
- Across borders: ViSIT - perspectives of a virtual museum
18:30-18:45: Discussion
19:30: Dinner
Program: Tuesday, April 4, 2017
09:00-9:30: Christian Stein (Marburg)
- Photographic techniques for constructing spatial phenomena
- Stitching/Panorama using the example of the Bamberger Residenz
09:30-09:45: Discussion
09:45-10:15: Bernhard Strackenbrock and Rico Richter (Berlin/Potsdam)
- The Kaisersaal in Bamberg - from a virtual spatial artwork to a virtual space for architecture
10:15-10:30: Discussion
10:30-11:00: Tea/Coffee Break
11:00-11:30: Rainer Drewello and Victoria Spicale (Bamberg/Berlin)
- Topographic recording and analysis of baroque ceiling paintings - a comparison of methods using the example of grand rooms in the Neue Residenz Bamberg
11:30-11:45: Discussion
11:45-12:15: Karin Guminski and Michael Käsdorf (Munich)
- Virtual reality and 3D reconstruction of architecture for beginners
- Introducing a didactic model from art and multimedia using the example of the Kammerkapelle der Kurfürstin at Schloss Schleißheim
12:15-12:45: Discussion
12:45-13:45: Lunch break
- 3D in Virtual Research Platforms and the Long-Term Preservation Challenge
13:45-14:15: Torsten Schrade and Hartmut Scholz (Mainz/Freiburg)
- Semantic technologies and spatial questions from the Digital Academy Mainz
14:15-14:30: Discussion
14:30-15:00: Marc Grellert (Frankfurt)
- Research questions related to 3D and a look into the history of workshops: Reconstruction of noble interior spaces - Vatican (1998), Berliner Schloss (2001), Dresdner Residenz (2011)
15:00-15:15: Discussion
15:15-15:45: Tea/Coffee Break
15:45-16:15: Piotr Kuroczyński and Oliver Hauck (Marburg/Mainz)
- Challenges of virtual research spaces and digital research data using the example of computer-assisted 3D reconstruction of baroque palaces in former East Prussia
16:15-17:00: Closing discussion