International Workshop CbDD & BCPCE

Annual Meeting of the Research Group for Baroque Ceiling Painting in Central Europe
Munich, October 5th–7th, 2016
Organized by the Corpus der barocken Deckenmalerei in Deutschland (CbDD) & the Research Group Baroque Ceiling Painting in Central Europe (BCPCE)
Location: Institute of Art History, Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU) Zentnerstr. 31, 80798 Munich, Germany Date: October 5th–7th, 2016
From October 5th to 7th, 2016, the Academy Project "Corpus der barocken Deckenmalerei in Deutschland" (CbDD) together with the Research Group for Baroque Ceiling Painting in Central Europe (BCPCE) organized an international workshop on current research projects focused on on on baroque ceiling painting and architecture. Supported by the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities and the Institute of Art History at LMU, the conference, accompanied by excursions, welcomed scholars from across Europe.
The annual meeting of the BCPCE, held within the workshop, invited both members and external researchers dedicated to various projects exploring the painted interiors of Central European religious and secular buildings from the 16th to the 18th century, their documentation, and art historical interpretation. Through twelve short presentations, participants from Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Austria, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, and the Netherlands shared and discussed current and future research projects, as well as the results of completed works. Engaging conversations sparked connections between projects, raised new questions for the field of research, and provided insights into future areas of focus, such as the relationship between wall painting and architecture.
Following the workshop, participants had the opportunity to embark on enriching excursions showcasing secular and religious wall and ceiling paintings from the 16th to the 18th century. In Ingolstadt, Grünau, Neuburg, Bergen, and Leitheim, Prof. Dr. Stephan Hoppe (LMU Munich, Project Leader of CbDD) and Dr. Angelika Dreyer (CbDD) provided insights into the architecture and pictorial decoration of castles and churches, fostering an intense exchange about their specific characteristics and European connections. The tour concluded in Munich with visits to the Asam Church and the Trinity Church, culminating in the former Brotherhood and Order Church of the St. Michael Knightly Order in Berg am Laim. The recently restored interior decoration of this church offered the research group members an impressive glimpse into the South German Rococo.
Katrina Weißer

Bernard Jan Hendrik Aikema (Verona); Barbara Balážová (Bratislava); Richard Biegel (Prag); Angelika Dreyer (München); Margriet van Eikema Hommes (Amsterdam); Ute Engel (München); Doris Gerstl (Erlangen); Andrea Gottdang (Salzburg); Richard Harmanni (Amsterdam); Guido Hinterkeuser (Berlin); Wiebke Hoffmann (Marburg); Stephan Hoppe (München); Franziska Kaiser (München); Herbert Karner (Wien); János Jernyei-Kiss (Budapest); Gábor Gaylhoffer-Kovács (Budapest); Heiko Laß (München); Martin Mádl (Prag); François Marandet (London); Barbara Murovec (Ljubljana); Christina Oertel-Pohl (München/Berlin); Marion Romberg (Wien); Ulrike Seeger (Stuttgart); Szabolcs Serfözö (Budapest); Daniela Štěrbová (Prag); Werner Telesko (Wien); Susan Tipton (München); Katrina Weißer (München).